Goals this week: Quit these DUMB habits! Especially if you want serious results anytime soon. Seriously if I had £1 for every time someone I know was guilty of one of the habits below I’d be very wealthy. I could quit work and holiday at least 6 times per year. Probably buy that new car […]
Five Ways To Get Lean For Summer With ABC fit
Hands up if you want to get lean for summer? Of course you do! That’s why you’re reading this right. As of writing this, summer is just around corner. You’ve probably got plans in place for things you want to do, places you want to vacation too etc. But have you got plans in place […]
4 Daily Habits Every ABC fit Follower Should Do
“We are what we repeatedly do. Success is not an action, but a habit”. Your monthly, weekly, daily and hourly habits make you who you are. They determine how you look and they make you how you feel. So what I thought I’d do is gather five daily habits that every ABC fit follower should […]
6-Week Body Transformation Challenge
Hello and Happy New Year! I come bearing some exciting news… I am now accepting applications for my 6 week Body Transformation Challenge! This 6 week challenge is designed to help anyone burn fat fast, build muscle, and generally get in the shape of their life for 2019. The 6 Week Challenge includes… ✔️ Weekly check-ins […]
Cliff Notes For Success (By People You Should Listen To)
Success – that’s why you’re here right? Ultimately you want to achieve a body composition or fitness goal and improve your life in doing so. As a coach I see myself as an individual that’s here to facilitate that success. Something I personally find really powerful is listening to and getting in the heads of […]
Never Trust A Jacked Yogi! Understanding the SAID Principle
Something I see all the time as a fitness professional is a misunderstanding of the SAID principle and a misuse of the SAID principle on trainers/coaches behalf. It really pisses me off. Before we move on any further, let’s just clarify what the SAID principle actually is. It’s acronym for Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands. […]
Female Specific Issues When Tracking Body Composition
When it comes to tracking body composition as a female, there are a few specific issues that need to be taken into consideration. Issues that don’t apply to men and issues that often get neglected and swept under the carpet. We’re not going to debate about which method of tracking you should use, or which […]
Burning Fat – Why It Gets Harder As You Get Leaner
Burning fat – it’s no secret that it seemingly gets harder the more lbs you drop! Imagine running a race where you start on hard ground, heading down a hill and at about one quarter of the way through the declined terrain turns flat. At about half way through the flat terrain turns into thick, […]
4 Things I Never Leave The House Without
Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch. Haha… Joking! But below I have included a short list of things that I never leave the house without that make staying focused and achieving my goals much, much easier. You might carry the same things, or you may want to consider some if you don’t. You may even have […]
The 12 Week Lean Muscle Project Challenge 2018
I’ve got a confession. I let it slip! Towards the back end of 2017 I wasn’t focused on my training at all. I was busy with all my clients and various other bits which is great, but meant I was training on average of 2-3 times per week and when I did train I felt […]