Every year various trends surge into the health and fitness industry. Some stick, some are just a flash in the pan. The longer you’ve been in the industry, the better you become at predicting those trends. I’ve worked in gyms for seven years now and I’ve been a personal trainer for five of those seven. […]
Challenging Convention Post Major Surgery – A Client Case Study
They say “set backs are opportunities for come backs”, but what if a come back after a set back wasn’t needed at all. What if a set back was just another opportunity to continue progressing? Convention would normally dictate that after major surgery on a vulnerable part of the body (such as the knees, hips, […]
Is Your Sleeping Position Wreaking Havoc On Your Body?
On average, over the course of a lifetime we spend one third of our lives sleeping. That’s a lot of time! Which makes me wonder, why don’t we take our sleeping position more seriously? Let’s not turn this into a lecture about why sleep is important. Bottom line is – If you want improved performance, better […]
5 Proven Habits To Stay Lean Forever
Lean forever. Who’d of thought two words next to each other could sound so good. Almost too good to be actually true. Almost. You’re probably wondering how these habits are “proven”. Well they’re not in any scientific sense. However from the large and ever-growing handful of clients I’ve trained, all mentioned below hold true. So […]
8 Simple Ways To Increase Your Physical Activity Levels
Increasing your daily physical activity levels should be the cornerstone of creating a better body and improving the quality of your life. Despite wide acceptance that physical activity is a simple, low-cost alternative to disease prevention and treatment, most of us still simply don’t move our butts enough. The main problem is modern lifestyle choices […]
Tactics To Heal Your Hunchback
Look around your office, gym or even in the mirror and you’ll see many individuals that could be mistaken for a hunchback Parisian who hides away in a cathedral and rings bells for a living. Today I wanted to discuss why people end up looking like this and most importantly how to heal your hunchback, […]
4 Things You Shouldn’t Do Before A Workout
A productive workout, quite simply means faster results. The behaviours we adopt in the lead up to a workout can drastically influence the productivity of the session. I’ve gathered 4 common behaviours, that for whatever reason commonly appear in our routines in the lead up to a workout. Despite what common dogma says, they need […]
Five Stretches That Improved My Life
As I’ve got older, stretches have increasingly had to become a large part of my routine. Getting old isn’t fun right? I’m only 27 as of writing this, but I’ve quickly learnt if I don’t stay on top of doing my stretches and foam rolling etc. I stiffen up like a board. This comes with […]
6 Ways To Improve Insulin Sensitivity
Improving your insulin sensitivity could well be the next step for your best body yet. The formula for getting a ripped, lean body is actually fairly simple in hindsight. Fat loss is all about energy balance. Subtract X from Y and guess what? You’ll start leaning down. But dig deeper, get some science and hormones […]
Top Ten Muscle Building Mistakes
These muscle building mistakes will have you feeling less like Superman and more like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man! Make sure you’re not guilty of any of these mistakes and your gains will rapidly accelerate. 1. You don’t consume enough calories – In order to build lean tissue you need to be in a caloric […]