T-Spine Mobility

Let’s be honest, you’ve got no business walking around with a hunched, kyphotic spine unless you plan on taking up a new career as a bell ringer in Notre Dame. Pretty much anything that requires extended periods of sitting such as office work, cycling and driving will encourage the spine to round forward. So get […]

Relieving Neck Tightness

Carrying a lot of tension in the neck and sholders area is pretty common these days. Maybe you’re stressed, or you spend your working week staring at a computer monitor. Whatever the reason, the neck is a very delicate area that’s prone to tightness, pain and injury. Not to mention neck tightness can seriously impact your […]

Tight Hips? Try The Wall Hip Opener

Got tight hips? Here’s news to you, sitting ruins your hip action! Long periods of time spent in a seated position tightens the hip flexors. Once in a standing position this drags your pelvis into an anterior tilt causing a lumbar spine overextension fault. With a huge number of people in professions and the education […]

Mobility Tool Box Essentials

Your muscles take a regular battering from weight training, sitting, walking, running and many more daily activities you may embark on. Therefor it’s vital to keep them supple and healthy by regularly performing various SMR, stretching and active recovery methods. I would highly encourage everyone to build a mobility tool box that can be used […]

Clearing Up Tight Hamstrings

I’m pretty confident when saying all clientele I’ve worked with that have a sedentary job could benefit from relieving tight hamstrings . Even if you live an active lifestyle or commit to regular exercise. If you don’t give your hamstrings the attention they need, over time they are going to tighten up. The hamstrings are […]

Flat Shoe – Raised Results

Back in the 1960’s everyone wore a flat shoe to run and gym in – converse, keds, vans and onitsuka’s to name a few. Then during the late 1970’s the transition occurred. Shoes began to appear with extra thick rubber and air cushions stuffed under the heel. Fast forward 40 years and as running gained […]

Optimising Sleep

Optimising sleep is paramount for your recovery, not only from exercise, but from everyday life as well. Accumulating evidence from epidemiological studies and well-controlled lab studies indicate lack of sleep may increase weight gain and the risk of obesity. Lack of sleep also results in metabolic and endocrine alterations, such as: – Decreased insulin sensitivity […]

Floss Band Knee Mobilisation

Using a compression floss band for increased joint mobility is certainly worth a try if you struggle with stiff, tight, painful knees. Or even if you have difficulty driving the knees out during a squat/achieving decent range of motion. Out in the trenches many of my clients have noticed a reduction in knee pain and improved […]