It’s the most wonderful time of the year! But not when the countdown is on and you’re still struggling to find ideas and inspiration for the most perfect Christmas gift! Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. That’s why I’ve put together this practical post – fitness related Christmas gift ideas that are hot in the […]
Could CBD Oil Play A Role In Improving Body Composition?
It’s astounding to think that in 2 years time the global market for CBD laced products is set to stand at around $22 billion! If you haven’t heard of it, maybe now is the time to listen up. It may prove to be just the supplement you need to maximise your results and improve your […]
Game Changers: Fuelled By The Truth?
Game Changers: Fuelled by the truth? Or fuelling you with BS? Now straight off the bat and for the record I want to say this – I am 100% not against plant based diets. If you follow my Instagram you’ll see I even occasionally eat plant based meals. I am however 100% against people making […]
Top 3 DeadLift Variations For A Better Body
Nothing screams “Turn me into an absolute god!” like the good old Deadlift. There’s not many other exercises I can name that have the potential to build muscle, improve strength and absolutely smoke calories for fat loss! Not to mention they’re also an extremely functional exercise, crossing over into hundreds of daily lifting tasks. The […]
Exercise Strategies For Women During the Menopause
With thanks to plummeting estrogen levels, the menopause is often accompanied by a host of not-so-welcome physiological changes. This includes decreased lean muscle, bone density reduction and a higher chance of fat storage particularly around the tummy. If left with no intervention, postmenopausal women carrying extra body fat are at a much higher risk of […]
How To Avoid Temptations On A Fat Loss Diet Plan
Chances are you’ve been there. Your fat loss diet plan is going ace. You’re seeing results from it. And most importantly you’re enjoying it. And then seemingly out of nowhere a temptation shows up to screw it all up. Now giving into these temptations, whether it’s food or drink, isn’t a bad thing and once […]
3 Things Training One Of The Worlds BIGGEST YouTubers Taught Me
The best part about my job for me has to be the fact its given me an opportunity to work with hundreds of different people of all ages, shapes, sizes and professions. One of many clients I’ve been lucky enough to help and work with is none other than Ali A, one of the worlds […]
Poor Sleep – Is It Making You Fat?
No. Poor sleep isn’t making you fat. So why all this emphasis on how important it is? Take a look at literally any fat loss programme and it will stress you need to be improving sleep to strip fat. Hell, even my online coaching programme says it. But why if it’s not making you fat? […]
Quit These Dumb Habits If You Want Serious Results
Goals this week: Quit these DUMB habits! Especially if you want serious results anytime soon. Seriously if I had £1 for every time someone I know was guilty of one of the habits below I’d be very wealthy. I could quit work and holiday at least 6 times per year. Probably buy that new car […]
Five Ways To Get Lean For Summer With ABC fit
Hands up if you want to get lean for summer? Of course you do! That’s why you’re reading this right. As of writing this, summer is just around corner. You’ve probably got plans in place for things you want to do, places you want to vacation too etc. But have you got plans in place […]