CKC OKC Supersets

Supersets are an extremely common method of combining two exercises together to be performed back to back with no rest in between. Any technique that can challenge your body, burn more calories and allow you to get more work done in a shorter amount of time is worth looking at. One of the most effective […]

Chicken And Goats Cheese Salad

Burn fat and build muscle with this chicken and goats cheese salad. Simple, elegant and tastes great! Why goats cheese? Goats cheese contains less lactose than cows milk and cheese, making it easier to digest. It’s lower in calories than cheddar and packs sufficient protein. It also contains more vitamin D, K and niacin than […]

Factors For Hypertrophy

If you’re looking for muscular hypertrophy, you need to go to the gym with a specific purpose. If every workout has a purpose then you will adapt and grow. Time and time again, research has confirmed heavy resistance training is the most effective method of achieving hypertrophy. The reason being, heavy weight stimulates the type […]

Floss Band Knee Mobilisation

Using a compression floss band for increased joint mobility is certainly worth a try if you struggle with stiff, tight, painful knees. Or even if you have difficulty driving the knees out during a squat/achieving decent range of motion. Out in the trenches many of my clients have noticed a reduction in knee pain and improved […]

Tips For A Dream Bum

As a personal trainer, if a female comes to me nine times out of ten the areas they want to work on are the back of their arm, tummy, legs and bum. Browsing around the internet is like a minefield of false, confusing information. So i’ll keep it simple – Here’s five training tips you can […]

How To Do Pull Ups Correctly

Pull-ups, the king of body weight exercises. Have you always wanted to learn how to do pull ups correctly? With any exercise the smallest of tweaks in form can have a dramatic impact on your overall performance during the set. Remember if you can perform an exercise better (more reps, more weight etc.) it will […]